Pacioli – sharing best practices in farm level data collection and utilization.
Pacioli serves as a prominent international platform fostering the exchange of best practices in farm-level data collection and utilization. Examples of these farm level databases are FADN in Europe and ARMS in the USA.
Drawing a diverse audience from both European Union (EU) and non-EU countries, the workshop specifically engages coordinators, data collection experts, researchers, and policy analysts. These participants meet to discuss emerging trends in data collection, evolving data prerequisites, and ongoing research initiatives pertaining to farm-level datasets.
The Pacioli workshop not only provides attendees with insights into the latest advancements but also serves as a catalyst for inspiration in their daily professional work. This workshop serves as an invaluable arena for networking, fostering connections both within and outside the European Union.
PACIOLI 29 presentations and posters online
The presentations and posters of Pacioli 29 are now online. You can find them under workshops. Thanks to all presenters making them available.
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