PACIOLI 19 - Tallinn 2011
01 januari 2011
Related Papers
Pacioli 19
Author: Pacioli 19
The Comparative Analysis of Organic and Conventional Farming in Estonia
Author: Eduard Matveev
Farm characterization and modelling in risk management: the case of crop farm data in Canada
Author: Shingo Kimura
Productivity development of Finnish agricultural sector based on FADN data
Author: Olli Rantala
Analysis of production costs of milk - a comparison of economic estimates versus allocation schemes
Author: Werner Kleinhanss
The value of land. A contribution to the knowledge of the Italian agricultural land market through the FADN data
Author: Concetta Cardillo
The Incidence of Farm Programs and the Value of Farm Assets
Author: Jennifer Ifft
Balancing emerging data needs, preserving the core statistical program and controlling response burden and budgets: a utopia?
Author: Martin Beaulieu
Unpaid family labour analysis on FADN farms
Author: Minna Väre
Electronically transmission of data in Norwegian agricultural sector
Author: Haukas Torbjorn
Storage of farm data online (via internet)
Author: Sami Chaudhary
Application of FADN and other information systems
Author: Vesna Ilievska
Analyzing the link between farm economic and environmental performance by combining FADN and LCA data
Author: Jan Pierrick
Use of FADN data for appraising sustainability of Italian farms, strengths and weaknesses of the current database
Author: Antonella Bodini
First practical experiences with random sampling
Author: Andreas Roesch
Growth, investments and consequences for financial results of EU dairy farms
Author: Pieter Willem Blokland
Total calculation based on weighted farm level accounting data
Author: Maria Yli-Heikkilä
Unit Cost calculation based on FADN-data (77 products/ 530 cost items)
Author: Arto Latukka
Proposal for the enhancement of the EU-FADN
Author: Bernd Kuepker